Yogurt Making Machines
Yogurt production process: milk → standardization → blending → sterilization and homogenization → fermentation → cooling → filling → refrigeration
过程:原料奶→过滤→Preheating → Homogenization → Stirring sterilization → Fermentation → Refrigeration → Filling.
Matching equipment: Raw milk → Pump → Filter → Pump → Preheat tank → Pump → Homogenizer → Pump → Whisk tank → Pump → Fermenter →Pump → Refrigeration tank → CIP cleaning system.Yogurt is a sweet and sour milk drink. It is a milk product that uses milk as a raw material. After pasteurization, beneficial
bacteria (leavers) are added to the milk. After fermentation, it is cooled and filled. Most yogurt products on the market are
solidified, stirred, and fruity with various fruit juices and jams.The yogurt processing equipment is complete. The sterilization temperature is above 120 degrees. The sterilization time is only a few seconds.
The shelf life of high temperature milk can be 2-3 months, and the shelf life is long. At the same time, the nutrients in milk are also damaged.
The company produces a complete set of pasteurized milk processing equipment. Welcome to inquire!
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